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Developing a Morning Routine

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A morning routine can increase your productivity, improve your focus, and help with mental, physical, and spirituality. It can also lower stress levels and boost energy and build healthy habits.

I believe everyone should take control of the day and not let the day take control of them.

Some of us wake up and go about our day without setting the intention. You wake up, rush to get ready, and don’t take the time to relax and enjoy your cup of coffee or breakfast. You start off with donuts for breakfast or don't eat anything at all. You are stressed because you have so much to do but have no idea where to start. This is why you should start developing that morning routine.

I want to share how I develop my morning routine every month. It doesn't change too much, but depending on my goals or focus for the month, it can.

The first step is to figure out what your goals or focus is for the month in health, love, spirituality, fitness, etc. Remember the topics of focus are up to you.

Next, write down in detail what you want from each and how you will reach those goals. For example, I create a mood board for visual purposes monthly. My focus for July is health, fitness, and spirituality. In health, I want to become more conscious of what i put in my mouth. Instead of not eating breakfast or having donuts, i choose to have a green smoothie in the morning or oatmeal with fruit. My fitness goals, I want to incorporate more cardio in the morning to boost my energy levels, metabolism, and weight loss. And spirituality, i used to meditate every morning. So of course I am meditating every morning for just 15 min. I also plan my schedule out for the day, so I will know exactly the time and what I am working on to complete. That's all. Nothing major or time-consuming. I control my day and set the tone by starting off right.

Setting up your morning routine

  1. Create my Moodboard

  2. Plan and prepare ahead every night

  3. Eat a healthy breakfast

  4. Move your body/ Exercise

  5. Spirituality/ Meditation

  6. Journaling

  7. Set yourself up for success

  8. Drink a glass of water

  9. Read a page a day

  10. Say positive affirmations

Start living with intention and stop living on autopilot.

Tell me about your morning routine. How do you start your day off? I would love to hear.


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